1.1 One day
before ticket cancellation is allowed and full refund will be provided in
wallet which can be used in further booking. Refund amount can not be credited
or Transfered to passanger bank account.
1.2 Same day
ticket cancellation is neither allowed nor refunded.
1.3 No ticket
cancellation is allowed when ticket is purchased from instant ride section
1.4 If a Free
Ride is used and the cancelled, the free ride will not be refunded.
1.5 Rides
rescheduled within 10 minutes of scheduled departure time (i.e. the
non-refundable cancellation window) and then cancelled are non refundable.
Fare Refund Policy
2.1 We strive to
give you an exceptional Service. However, in exceptional circumstances, if Sscabs
Shuttle is unable to perform any of the Services, Sscabs will refund the money
deducted from your Account within fifteen days from the date of booking.
2.2 However, if Sscabs
Shuttle is unable to complete the Service despite best efforts due to natural
calamity or disaster, weather conditions, civil unrest, suspension of services
related to transportation and other facilities, governmental orders, or other
causes that make safe, smooth operation impossible, or when there is a valid
reason to believe the journey cannot continue, we shall refund the amount to
your wallet after deducting 40% of the amount.
2.3 No refund
will be offered in case you are deemed as a No-Show Passenger. You will be
considered as a No-Show Passenger if any or all conditions are satisfied:
i. The driver
arrives at the pick up location
ii. The driver waits
for at least 1 minute.
Despite such best efforts, if you are unable to
board the bus within the prescribed time frame, no refund will be initiated.
2.4 In case you have
bought a pass and wish to take a refund, in that case, you need to delete the
pass from the app within the validity period. We shall refund the amount
proportionate to the number of rides remaining after deducting 40% of the
2.5 Your per
ride cost will be calculated based upon the total amount paid for the pass
divided by the total number of rides in the pass at the time of pass purchase.
2.6 Pass whose
validity is expired will not be eligible for a refund. By buying a Pass, you
agree to use all rides mentioned within the stipulated period. You shall not be
provided additional rides or additional time over and above the fixed under the
pass plan purchased.
All offers are valid for a limited period
only. Sscabs reserves the right to remove/change/modify any plan at any time
without prior notice.